Kick Ass Women: Being a Superhero

“Be a rock star!” “Love yourself!” “You can do anything!” Here at Woozy Moo, we are strong believers that every Moo-ster is a superhero. We promote empowerment of everyone every chance we get. However, the world is… How should we say this? Crazy? So we think it is important for Moo-sters to know the craziness, so they can be the best they can be. As Part 4 of our Kick Ass Women Interview Series, we focus on the ouchy realities of this crazy world and what we can do to be superheroes.
It’s a Tough World
There has been a lot of discussion in the past couple of years on the importance of having mentors in your professional life. This has been especially echoed for women, and there is a harsh reality why. Sweta Saxena, a Senior Economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), says: “I wish I had a sponsor in my life who would push me through the ranks. I was brought up believing that merit counts. But it counts only in school, where everyone is tested on the same questions. Life at work is different. [U[nless someone is pushing you through the ranks (like guys do for other guys), the chances of succeeding are quite small.”
Deborah Spar, President of Barnard College at Columbia University echoes the same. “I wish I had a mentor to tell me I needed to be patient,” says Spar when asked what would have been beneficial to her personal/professional life. She also mentions the importance of knowing “that great victories (personal and professional) [are] few and far between, [so] it is important to savor the smaller accomplishments along the way.”

Mommy Guilt
Another challenge and reality many superheroes (i.e., moms) face is mommy guilt - the idea that you are forgoing your kids for something else. Kat Gordon, Creative Director and Founder of The 3% Conference says “I wish the book “Lean In” had come out 15 years earlier…I figured out my own path, but hearing how other women were doing it – and how useless mommy guilt is – would have spared me some soul-crushing moments.”
Mommy guilt is real, and it is easier said than done to learn how to manage it. It is also not a bad thing! It reminds us that we love our kids! Spending time with your little ones is important, but remember: you can’t drive a car without gas and tune-ups. Sometimes you need to fill up and fix other parts, so you can actually drive the car!

Don’t Listen Too Much
They always say women are good listeners (we don’t like stereotypes, but hey, compliments are good!), but sometimes listening too much can actually be ouchy.
There are people out there that talk a lot of smack that may be disguised as advice, and sometimes we take it to heart. Melissa Fach, Community Manager @ Pubcon & Community Jedi @ AuthorityLabs, reminds us that “Girls and women have to know, deep in their soul, that they rock for being who they are and they don't have to be what others consider "acceptable" or "good enough."
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, Author of Ashley’s War and Senior Fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations, also says too many girls and women focus on others’ advice. Lemmon advises “Don’t listen to anyone for advice. There is too much noise. There is no path or role model…you need to do what works for you.”
So remember superheroes! The world can be ouchy sometimes, but remember if you know the realities of it, you can take it by the horns and bang, puff, and pow it with your ole mighty knowledge and power!